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Anansi the Spider -Denzel Washington/UB40

Pecos Bill -Robin Williams/Ry Cooder

The Fool and the Flying Ship -Robin Williams

Brer Rabbit and the Tar Baby -Danny Glover

Brer Rabbit and Boss Lion -Danny Glover

Billy Goats Gruff -Holly Hunter

The Three Little Pigs -Holly Hunter

The Brahman and the Tiger -Ben Kingsly/Wynton Marsalis

Little Red Riding Hood -Melony Griffith

The Elephant's Child -Jack Nicholson/Bobby McFerrin

How the Rhino Got His Skin -Jack Nicholson/Bobby McFerrin

How the Camel Got His Hump -Jack Nicholson/Bobby McFerrin

How the Leopard Got his Spots -Danny Glover/Ladysmith Black Mambazo

The Boy Who Drew Cats -John Hurt

David and Goliath -Mel Gibson

The Fisherman and His Wife -Jodie Foster

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow -Glen Close